I Have Forgot my Password. What Should I Do?

You will now need to reset your password by doing the following: Click on the link below: https://gcloud.zoolz.com/Account/ForgetPassword Type your GCloud’s email in the blank field and click Submit. An email will be sent to the email you have just entered. Open this email and click on the link there. In the page that will appear, […]

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I Forgot The Email I Have Signed up with. What Should I Do?

By default, GCloud prefills your account with the default Gmail account for your Android device. You can find this email in (Settings → Accounts and Sync). If that is not it, please try your emails in the forgot password link, and the one that sends you a request is the correct one: https://www.gcloudbackup.com/Account/ForgetPassword If the […]

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